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Latest Updates to Infiniti LMS & LibPaths

Just when you were thinking our Infiniti library management system (LMS) couldn’t get any better, the software developers at Concord go and release an update to both Infiniti and its virtual learning portals add-on LibPaths! Already a market-leading library software solution for schools and colleges, the new and improved Infiniti is truly in a class of its own.

New and Improved Infiniti Library Management System

Some of the new Infiniti LMS features include:

Dashboard Upgrade
The Infiniti dashboard can now be aligned to show specific site or campus statistics.

Library Floor Plans
Infiniti now allows library floor plans to be created locally to show the location of books on shelves.

My Lists 
Infiniti lists can be pre-sorted in alphabetical order (default) or custom order (currently only available for standard shared lists, not carousels) in create/edit mode. Viewers can switch between modes if custom has been applied.

New and Improved LibPaths e-Learning Hub for Curated Content

You’ll be pleased to hear the upgrades and improvements didn’t stop with Infiniti! LibPaths™, the flexible virtual learning hub that you can fill with curated content and links to physical and digital resources (on whichever subjects you like) to attract and engage students anytime, anywhere, from any device, has also had a makeover. New features include:

Header Area for Portals
LibPaths portal views can now have a top header spanning all columns of the portal to increase engagement.

LibPaths Portal Preview
You can now preview which portals a selected student or teacher will see at a given point in time (date).

Portal Teacher Editor
You can now assign the role of editor to specific teachers so that general teaching staff can be assigned edit permission for specific portals.

Auto Navigation
A new auto-navigation generator will generate a menu of navigation buttons within each portal if enabled.

Expanded Styling
LibPaths portal styling now includes the option to style auto-navigation menus for individual portals.

Improved User Interface
LibPaths now has an improved UI for students and teachers with buttons replacing tabs (which can be styled).

Fixed Functionality

As well as upgrades and improvements, the following “fixes” have also been applied:

  • Returned Lost Loans
  • Google Analytics / GA4 Tag
  • SSO & Email Report Accuracy
  • Bulk Update

As you can see, Infiniti’s development team has been busy implementing these upgrades and improvements to ensure the Infiniti library management system remains a best-in-class product and the LMS of choice for discerning library management teams. You can learn more about Infiniti here or why not check out some of our case studies for schools that are already using Infiniti and LibPaths?

To arrange a FREE Infiniti demo or for an initial no-obligation consultation, please get in touch and we’ll be only too happy to help.