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PSP Sponsors the ISLE Conference 2025

We are very pleased to announce that PSP Asset Protection will be sponsoring the inaugural International School Librarians in Europe (ISLE) Conference on 28th & 29th March 2025, hosted by Staci Fox at the American School in London (ASL).

ISLE is a brand new conference aimed at school librarians and teacher-librarians from international schools across Europe. If successful, this conference will become an annual event so we’re very happy to pledge our support!

Why attend the ISLE Conference?

The theme of the conference is ‘Global Readers, Global Thinkers’ and it was inspired by the Librarians Knowledge Sharing Workshop in Asia, where librarians from various countries and cultures connect to network, exchange ideas and learn from each other in a welcoming environment.

The Keynote Speaker will be Emily Drabinski – Associate Professor at the Queens (N.Y.) College Graduate School of Library and Information Studies and former President of the American Library Association. She is currently writing a book on the power and promise of the library as a public institution.

ISLE Conference schedule

As well as a wide range of sessions on topics ranging from AI to library design and student research, delegates are also encouraged to register to share their ideas for workshops, social events or library visits they might like to host or present as part of the conference.

The Pre-Conference will take place on Friday 28th March where participants will have an opportunity to visit at least two libraries in Greater London, followed by a social event and a chance to mingle ‘at the pub’. The Conference itself will take place on Saturday 29th March at the ASL, followed by an off-site dinner – included in the registration fee.

If you would like to register as an attendee and/or propose an idea for a presentation or workshop, you can do so via the website: https://isleconf.com/

The event website will be updated regularly over the next few weeks so be sure to check back for the latest information or follow @ISLEconference on Instagram.

Infiniti & LibPaths – library management software for school librarians

If you are unable to attend but would like to learn more about our best-in-class solutions for school librarians, including our market-leading, cloud-native Infiniti library management software and LibPaths virtual learning portals, please get in touch with our expert team for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’re here to help you design the perfect solution for your school library!